Keep track of your money in a smart, simple and beautiful way. Tink will automatically collect, categorize and analyze your finances across all your different banks, credit cards and other financial accounts.
New in Tink! Pay your bills and make transfers from any of your banks directly in Tink. Safe identification with Mobilt BankID, same procedure as with your regular bank.
<b>What you’ll get with Tink</b>
• Full control over your financial life, everything in one app
• Your total balance, transactions from all your bank accounts and credit cards in the same place
• Your total balance and transactions from all your bank accounts and credit cards in one place
• Help to save and spend smarter – to get more money left for what you really love
• Compare your spending over time - daily, weekly, and monthly
• Set up budgets and reach your goals
• Pay your bills, manage e-invoices and make transfers directly in Tink
• ID Control: Personalized fraud detection (for Swedish users)
• Support for all the major banks (in Sweden)
• Safe identification with Mobilt Bank ID (Sweden)
<b>How to get started</b>
1. Install Tink for free
2. Securely connect your financial accounts
3. You are now ready to start experiencing your financial life in a totally new way – welcome to Tink
<b>Written about Tink</b>
“Startup of the Week” – Wired
“Tink gives you better control of your finances” - Metro
<b>About security</b>
Your Tink account is protected with your personal code and Tink use the same type of security solutions as the world’s leading banks and is certified and protected with 256-bit encryption by VeriSign. All data is encrypted using advanced encryption techniques.
Tink Terms of Service:
If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please email us at: or follow us on twitter:</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>